Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stretching Your Prayer Life 3 STRETCHING YOUR FOCUS

God uses prayer lists to narrow the focus of my prayer life. When I start writing out prayer lists I prayerfully seek what God wants me to believe Him for. Continuing to pray for the people and things on these lists keeps my faith focused in the direction God is leading.

A prayer list also broadens the focus of my prayer life. With a prayer list the Holy Spirit disciplines me to trust God over a period of time. It is one thing to pray for someone today. It is another to commit to pray every day. In time I begin to see God working over the course of the life of a person I am praying for and over the course of my own life as well.


  1. Our adult Sunday School classes keep prayer journals, keeping the requests and then they specific way that God answered the prayers. I've been having them do this for about 20 years now.

    I do a weekly ministry at a sr. citizen hi-rise on Thursday afternoons. We have been keeping a prayer list weekly also for about 20 years there. One man has even written a song about our "prayer list!" Very encouraging.

  2. That is profound on a hundred plains. It reminds me of Toinby's "long obedience in the same direction." I can imagine few things that could be so powerful in the life of a church or a city.
