Wednesday, February 16, 2022


What sort of things do you contemplate? Do you think seriously about anything? An interesting word is used in Acts 7:31-32. The word is κατανοέω (kataneo). Literally the word would be “according to the mind.” The common meaning is to consider or contemplate. The ESV and most other translations render the word “look” or “behold”' in these verses. I have highlighted the English translation of kataneo in the ESV.

“When Moses saw it, he was amazed at the sight, and as he drew near to look, there came the voice of the Lord: ‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob.’ And Moses trembled and did not dare to look.”

However, the NASB, like a handful of other translations, render the word more literally, to look more closely, or to consider. I agree that Moses went to look at the burning bush and when he realized it was God, he was afraid to look anymore. But by using the word for consider or contemplate here, Stephen, and Luke who recorded it, were leading us to deeper insight. Have you taken the trouble to contemplate the reality of God all around you?



His ways at last are beyond our grasp, 

The breadth of His Being beyond all showing.

His truth so vast from our reach is past, 

Hiding Himself in the cloud of unknowing. 

But must He bind Himself from the minds 

Of those who would not seek His inkling?

His truth could they find with hearts so blind

Who hide from Him in the cloud of unthinking?

If our hearts are filled with selfish will 

Can we ever know His presence within,

Souls compelled by lust unfulfilled 

Until we die in unbelief and sin?

Yet the gospel's grace can be embraced 

To open the hearts of the sons of men.

He died in the place of Adam’s race

To redeem His own from the fate of sin.

Meditating on the word of God opens our hearts and minds to understand things we would never have grasped had we not exposed ourselves to Him.



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