I remember pacing in the nervous-fathers’ room at the hospital those many years ago. Hospitals were just starting to allow fathers into delivery rooms, but our hospital was not that up-to-date. Finally the nurse stepped in to say our baby had come and I could see her in a little while with my wife in the room. As soon as she slipped out I was out the door. I knew the hall they would take to the room. They rolled my wife’s bed around a corner right in front of me. Before anyone could stop me I had our beautiful blond headed daughter in my arms.
Despite modern notions, immediate physical pleasure is not the purpose of sexual relations. Sexual intimacy was given us for the blessing of procreation? Actually, we are talking here about two kinds of pleasure. This is not unlike the pleasure of eating. If the purpose of your eating is simply sweetness, the pleasure will ultimately be ruined in the deficiency of nutrition. The sugar will become like a poison in your system.
The goodness of intimacy includes both the immediate pleasure of glandular release, and the long term fulfillment of generations. These two are closely related. There is glandular release at the beginning as a couple seeks to procreate. This is often one sided. Many women do not enjoy the sex act. It is also true that pregnancy brings months of discomfort followed by the intense pain of child bearing. But her pain is quickly forgotten at the joy of a babe in her arms.
When the pleasure of sexual release is the only purpose, the blessing of in depth relationships will be lost. Sex becomes the selfish act of using another human being merely as a source of pleasure.
Parenting is difficult, but parent child relationships can be unbelievably fulfilling. Devoting time and energy to our children gives richness to life. Of course, this requires long-term discipline. The purposes of a parent need to be unselfish. This is usually a long term work of God in our lives. Children also bring hope for the future of humanity. And while there will be some pain, possibly all of your life, you can also pass your highest and best traits along in their lives.
I am aware that I am saying some things that will be controversial to many of you. There are a number of aspects to this upon which I have not touched. And frankly, I would like to hear from you, especially if you disagree with me as most of society and possibly most Christians do in these days.
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Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
ReplyDeleteThis is the first commandment given to man, so the act to have children is full filling what God has instructed us to do.
Of course we are to do it with our wife.