Thursday, December 11, 2014


The heart of mankind longs for justice. I believe this longing is born in us. Have you ever noticed how quick children are to cry, Unfair?

These are certainly days that cause us to cry out for justice on every hand. And I believe injustices ought to anger us when we see them. I don’t believe God is necessarily put off by angry prayers for justice. I could site the deprecatory Psalms where the psalmists cry out for such things as the heads of the wicked enemy’s babies to be dashed against the rocks. Such Psalms point out the condition of our own hearts and that true justice only comes from the heart and hand of God.

Unlike the wrath of God, my anger never produces righteousness.(James 1:20) In fact, I need God to cleanse me from the wickedness that proceeds from my heart and clings to my soul in anger. I even find the selfish resentment and violence in my heart crying out for the painful revenge on a villain in a novel I am reading. It is not real, but it reveals the violence in my heart.

I am praying for justice in everything relating to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. I was grieved to hear it stated on television that the officer repeatedly shot the young man in the back. But of course, the evidence finally released showed that did not happen at all.

I still hate it that unarmed young men have been killed by police. I also sympathize with African Americans who see police targeting blacks. But I hardly think it brings justice to loot stores owned and operated by black people trying to make a living or for businesses to be burned to the ground that were providing goods and employment to a neighborhood.

Interestingly enough much Islamic terrorism grows out of a perverted desire for justice and what they perceive to be righteousness. Boko Haram kidnapped young girls because they were frustrated by what they saw as ungodly western education given to children.

However, we can pray for justice to be brought about even in our fallen world. Pray, pray, pray. And we can be confident as we pray that the day is coming and may be near when Jesus will return and establish the righteousness of God on the earth.




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