We have no record of a spiritual awakening taking place at any point in history that was not accompanied by what Jonathan Edwards called, “Extraordinary Prayer.” And like most facets of revival we need God to bring about what only God can do.
I am praying for God to bring about a great movement of prayer. I would like to see prayer rooms across America, and especially the Pacific Northwest where I live, that would pray fervently for every church in a given area. I am praying for prayer meetings to be organized or spring up like Jeremiah Lanphier’s (http://www.exampleofgrace.net/jeremiah-lanphier.php) prayer meeting in 1858 that started with a few, spread throughout New York City and swept the entire country. I would like to see hundreds of prayer warriors who are committed to pray specifically for seminary students and young ministers. I would like to see organized, systematic prayer that intercedes for missionaries on every continent, every nation and every people group on earth. I would like to see prayer groups praying for Hollywood and the film and television media. I would like to see similar prayer for people involved in government.
Will you pray with me for a prayer movement in our time such as the world has never experienced? I don’t believe it will end all sin in the world. I don’t necessarily believe it will save our nation from judgment. But I believe it would glorify God as nothing we have ever imagined.